Think Multigenic

Biotools simplifying research and complex therapy development

Make the breakthroughs
of tomorrow, today.



Browse our CloneCard inventory for a set of plasmid vectors that fit your lab's needs.



Receive your CloneCard and elute in buffer to get transform your constructs immediately or store indefinitely.



Build complex multigenes with unprecedented customization and simplicity using our CloneCards and the Bird of Prey System utilizing a small set of enzymes. 



Publish your breakthroughs swiftly by leveraging the gap in research on multigenic gene and cell therapy.

The CloneCard

The first multigene construction tool for all. 

CloneCard allows you to quickly and easily create multitarget systems through our Bird of Prey system with an identical configuration of modules in every gene.  

Each CloneCard contains eight genes, one on each tab. Wielding the power of multiple cards enables countless combinations: imagine cheaply and easily creating your own cells with simultaneous upregulated and downregulated pathways, new effectors and modalities, or manipulating different RNA species over time and space. 

However you choose to explore the new horizons of multigene construction, CloneCard is here to help you do so.

CloneCard is for research purposes only. For commercial use contact

Shop CloneCard

Bird of Prey (BoP)

Breakthroughs have never been more achievable.

Our modular DNA design and construction system was made with you in mind.  

The future of gene and cell therapy is now attainable thanks to our Bird of Prey's standardized vector format and simple protocols - enabling virtually anyone in any lab to make multigene vectors for use in any mammalian cell types. Each CloneCard gene is in the exact configuration as seen here on the left. Flanking each module is a rare restriction enzyme site that you can learn more about here.

Through a simple subcloning event, you are able to create multi-effector genes (Transcription Units), and/or multigenes consisting of more than one Transcription Unit. 

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Every multigene starts with a cut. 

Each of the 10 enzymes used with the BoP system serve different functions,- from adding another Effector to adding a whole Transcription Unit. 

For more specific information on the enzymes and there uses check out the enzyme page.

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Controller Catalogue


Immunomodulator Catalogue

  • Human Cytokines
  • Human Chemokines (coming soon!)
  • Mouse Cytokines (coming soon!)
  • Mouse Chemokines (coming soon!)

Cardiac Catalogue 

  • Coming Soon!

Neural Catalogue

  • Coming Soon!

We are continuously adding biotools

to aid with DNA design.

Restriction Enzyme Quality Control Vector​
Our "Uber" REQC is a unique construct that tests the viability of 180 different enzymes. Spending days of experimentation time only to find out that something went wrong, like using enzymes that were no longer able to cut properly is a costly and frustrating affair. This is especially important as we move into a new "Enzyme Renaissance" with our Bird of Prey system and CloneCard tools. Remove a large potential time and money waster and insure yourself against faulty enzymes with our REQC vector! Patent Pending
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Restriction Enzyme Quality Control Vector​
Green Dye TBE Agarose Tablets
$250Agarose tablets with integrated green DNA stain and TBE powder.Tablet format – no weighing equipment required.Very stable at room temperature if protected from light.Only pure water is needed.Fast dissolving.Used stain is a non-carcinogenic alternative to ethidium bromide.Each pack contains 100 tablets. 
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Green Dye TBE Agarose Tablets (pOSP-EPH-ag-1)
Gel Band Cutter - Pack of 50
Easily excise your DNA fragments from an Agarose gel using these cutters. Gone are the days of razor blades and time consuming precision.Simply use this device and plunge your fragment straight into a microcentrifuge tube! 
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Gel Band Cutter - Pack of 50 (pOSP-EPH-ag-2)

Latest news on OspreyBio View All

2023 November 27
OspreyBio at ASCB
2023 November 30
The Enzyme Renaissance
Our partners

Our partners

OspreyBio is partnering with companies you know and trust to provide you with the best tools beyond CloneCard and Bird of Prey. The future of life science is up to researchers like you, so as you prepare to make your next big breakthrough, you can rest assured that your network of suppliers is ready to support all your research endeavors.